
Kobe University

Message for students: Thorough enforcement of infection prevention measures

July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

To all students,

In Hyogo Prefecture, the number of new COVID-19 cases is rising. It has been confirmed that we are currently experiencing a period of increasing infections based on the ‘Hyogo Prefectural Response Policy against Novel Coronavirus Infection’.

Our university is cooperating with related organizations to carry out infection prevention measures, beginning with the Hyogo Prefectural authorities.

The following directive, which is aimed at all students in particular, has been issued by the Hyogo Prefectural Governor. We request your understanding and cooperation with these measures.

Summary of the Governor’s message:

To all young people, including students:

Reference links (in Japanese):

Original message from the Governor 

Hyogo Prefectural Response Policy against Novel Coronavirus Infection 



(Executive Vice President in charge of Student Affairs)