
Kobe University

About the lifting of the State of Emergency (October 1, 2021)

October 4, 2021

October 1, 2021

To all students,

The State of Emergency that was issued through to September 30 for 19 prefectures including Hyogo Prefecture has been lifted. However, Hyogo Prefecture is now under stage III of the ‘semi-emergency measures’ due to the continuing numbers of new cases and the hospital bed occupancy rate. Thorough precautions are necessary to prevent another wave, therefore people are urged to continue practicing thorough measures against infection.

At the university, we will continue to prioritize the same measures against infection while gradually moving towards the recommencement of face-to-face classes and extracurricular activities. At the same time, we will also continue to provide on-campus novel coronavirus vaccinations. We are currently preparing to offer them to unvaccinated students from October onwards.

I would like to remind all students not to let down their guard. Please continue to consistently follow through infection prevention measures including mask-wearing (non-woven masks are recommended) and hand sanitizing. 


Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization